Tuesday 27 July 2010

Simple Spicy Udon

I got this idea for this recipe from my friend Hanne, who lives in Perth, Australia. She cooked udon for her lunch box and she said it's very simple to make. So I tried to make a very simple spicy udon recipe for my dinner. This recipe is very simple and very suitable for those who want simple and fast cook (especially for anak kost or college student).

What you need :

  • Udon (of course)
  • cabe rawit merah/cut chilies
  • garlic
  • kombu *
  • Katsuobushi/dried bonito * 
  • dried Nori/seaweed *
  • sweet soy sauce
  • eggs

*tersedia di Supermarket Jepang

How to :

  • boil water with Kombu, put katsuobushi/dried bonito flakes, setelah mendidih masukan udon dan rebus hingga matang. Kombu dan katsuobushi memberikan cita rasa kaldu yang khas dan tentunya lebih sehat dibanding menggunakan kaldu bubuk.
  • setelah udon matang, angkat dan tiriskan
  • heat your cooking pan, put olive oil
  • masukan garlic, tumis sampai wangi
  • kemudian masukan cabai rawit merah yg sudah dipotong2 (cut chilies)
  • masukan telur yang sudah dikocok
  • put your udon inside
  • tambahkan kecap manis, kemudian masak hingga matang
  • It's done! put your spicy on plate then sprinkle wit dried nori :)

Bagaimana? simple sekali kan Spicy Udon yang satu ini. It's suitable for your lunch/lunch box or dinner. You can also put chicken, sausages or beef for more protein if you like. Enjoy your Udon :)


Thursday 15 July 2010

Gettin' Cozy at Koffie Huis

Koffie Huis
Piccadilly Suites
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 99, Jakarta Selatan 12730
(021) 7179 – 2632

I knew this place from my friend, Dewi. She often hangs out here at Koffie Huis which located at Piccadilly Suites, Kemang. Tempatnya mungil but yet very cozy. Untuk yang mencari tempat ngopi-ngopi yang cozy dan ga berisik, Koffie Huis jawabannya. Di jamin betah deh ngopi or hang out di sini, oiya mereka juga menyediakan games (board games) like scrabble etc :)

The Cozy interior of Koffie Huis

Menu yang ditawarkan cukup bervariasi, dari mulai appetizer seperti french fries, bitterballen etc. Try French fries with wasabi mayo, Love it! Main coursenya juga bermacam2. I really recommend you to try their Tuna Spaghetti. It's very yummy, tunanya kerasa banget!! dan kita bisa pilih sendiri tingkat kepedasannya yuuumm...Dessert yang ditawarkan oleh Koffie Huis juga cukup menarik perhatian, salah satunya adalah Klappertaart dan Hot chocolate brownies with ice cream..sounds very yummy right? Coba juga pastry buatan Koffie Huis, enaakk dan bikin ingin pesan lagi..lagi dan lagi..*rakus mode ON*  Flavoured teasnya juga harus dicoba, it's unique and refreshing..They recommend Parisian Night to me and yes it's so fresh and unique and also refillable :)

I really like Koffie Huis, not because they are located near my house hehe..but for their coziness, foods and drinks. Soal harga, Koffie Huis juga tidak terlalu mahal, cocok lah untuk rasa makanan dan ambiance yang mereka tawarkan. I think i'm gonna go there again sometime on this weekend? anyone? :)