Friday 29 January 2010

Grilled Chicken with Lemon Butter Sauce

I made this yummy delicious recipe for dinner two days ago. Actually I was plan to make dory fish with lemon butter sauce but I don't have any fish in my refrigerator and I'm too lazy to go to the supermarket hehehe (pls don't follow my laziness). I got this idea from one of my friend,Dewi who always encourage me and give many ideas about cooking :) so after I do some research from the internet, I make this yummy delicious grilled chicken with lemon butter sauce...the taste is soo orgasmic *LOL*
here's the recipe :

you'll need:

half chicken breast without the skin (cut into about 6 pieces)
5 lil pack of butter (I use French butter because it smells and taste so yummy)
half pack of instant soup (I use chicken flavour)
half lemon
olive oil
soy sauce (I use Kikoman)
sweet soy sauce)

- drizzle & rub olive oil,salt, pepper, soy sauce and sweet soy sauce to the chicken then grilled it.

- mix water and instant soup ucook it in low heat until it boiled then put butter and stir slowly, squeeze lemon to get the juice then add grated lemon skin to add more flavour.

- drizzle the lemon butter on the grilled chicken :)

                         Grilled chicken with lemon butter sauce

voila...enjoy your grilled chicken, btw you can substitute chicken with fish. I think this is a good recipe for Valentine's day ;) surprise your loved one by cooking them a nice homemade candlelight dinner for this Valentine's day.

Happy Cooking all :)

*source :,

Tuesday 26 January 2010

Homemade BBQ Salsa Cheeseburger

Burger are junk food? why don't try to make your own burger or in North Korea famous as "minced beef with patty" (my brother told me that). I'm sure it will be healthier than buying burger from fast food restaurant, even I know fast food restaurant is very very tempting *drooling*. OK lets forget fast food restaurant for a while, lets make our own homemade burger :)

you need:
1/2 pack of instant soup (any flavour will do, I use chicken flavour)
half of onion
half tomato
2 garlic (grate them)
pack of minced beef/ or chicken if you like
breads (soaked in water)
BBQ sauce
sliced cheese

- mix instant soup, minced beef,garlic, 1-2 tablespoon BBQ sauce, breads then start to make the patties.
- melt butter in a grilling pan, grilled onion with sugar to make caramelized onion.
- grilled the patties till brown then put the cheese on top of it.
- put it on the burger bun, top it with lettuce,tomatoes, caramelized onion and salsa sauce and any other condiments of your choice

salsa sauce :
half tomatoes
1-2 garlics
1-2 red onions
red chilies
green chilies
half lemon (squeeze it to get the juice)

dice all ingredients, mix it together.

                                     My homemade BBQ Salsa Cheeseburger

*source :, Masak Seru Bareng si Tukang Masak, Bara Pattiradjawane

Monday 25 January 2010

Ramen Sanpachi 38

Last saturday I went to Ramen Sanpachi 38 with hubby. I'm craving for ramen since like weeks ago and my cousin, Hanny recommended this place. Ramen 38 is located at Kamome Supermarket 2F, Melawai Jaksel. When we got there's very fuull!! maybe it's because of lunch time. But we werent wait for too long. They have many ramen menus and also other Japanese foods such as gyoza, edamame, rice curry etc. But their main specialty of course the ramen..yumm yumm..
I orderd Tan Men Ramen, the waiter told me the soup made from stock and soy sauce, it has vegetables and beef inside. My hubby ordered one of the Ramen 38 specialty which is Jigoku Ramen. It's the spiciest ramen there, you're gonna love it if you are a spicy lover. You can choose the spiciness of your Jigoku Ramen from no 1 till no 10. The waiter told us that no.3 is for medium spiciness.
We can also choose the noodle we like, they have straight noodle and curly noodle. We choose curly noodles. I recommend to choose your noodle in medium overripe so you can still enjoy the chewiness of the ramen.

Ramen Sanpachi 38, very full..maybe it's because of lunch time

My order,Tan Men Ramen

Jigoku Ramen with the spiciness no.3 and it's already taste so HOT!

Surpriseee...FREE jelly for dessert yumm...yumm

And if you like Japanese comics, you can also read them while waiting for your order or maybe when you're enjoying your foods. I like this small cute ramen restaurant, and i would like to have another ramen lunch here, anyone?? :)

Thursday 21 January 2010

Food Journal?

No recipes or food review today, hari ini saya ingin membahas sedikiiit mengenai food journal. Apa itu food journal? Menurut saya, food journal adalah Sebuah jurnal atau agenda untuk mencatat apa saja yang kita makan dari mulai sarapan hingga makan malam termasuk snacks atau makanan kecil yang kita konsumsi.
Pentingkah? menurut saya memiliki food journal itu penting terutama bila Anda adalah orang yang sangat memperhatikan kesehatan. Dengan food journal kita dapat mengetahui apa saja yang kita makan pada hari itu. Anda dapat memonitor makanan apa saja yang Anda konsumsi dan pada akhirnya dapat mengindari kebiasaan mengkonsumsi makanan yang kurang sehat.'s 2010, this is the time that we should start to have a healthy life. No need to be hard on yourself by doing some hard diet, just start it by monitoring all the foods that you have consumed. Dari situ Anda dapat mulai memperbaiki pola makan yang kurang sehat.

My bestfriend, Fany, Pemenang I Fit Challenge 2009 dengan Food Journal buatan saya ;)
please visit her blog to get healthy life tips, bisa langsung konsultasi jg lho sama Fany hehe ;)

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Homemade Chicken Cordon Bleu

Chicken Cordon Bleu? Sudah pasti tahu dong, menu yang satu ini sering sekali kita temui di cafe atau restoran favorit kita. Cara bikinnya gimana sih? koq kayanya ribet ya? Ternyata cara bikinnya simple banget lho ;)
Rasanya ga kalah koq sama restoran favorit, lebih hemat jg lhoow hehehe..

here's the recipe :

Dada ayam fillet
Keju mozzarella
smoked beef
tepung panir/tepung roti
tepung terigu
2 telur ayam (dikocok)

caranya :
- sayat dada ayam (dibuat seperti kantong),masukan smoked beef & keju mozzarella kedalam ayam.
- gulirkan ayam ke tepung terigu, masukan ke dalam telur yg sudah dikocok, kemudian gulirkan ke tepung panir
- goreng sampai matang

voila...Chicken Cordon Bleu siap di sajikan :)

* Source : Resep dari majalah Femina

Friday 15 January 2010

Happy Birthday Fany

I just made this vanilla cupcakes for my bestfriend Fany birthday. Actually her birthday was yesterday and we have celebrated it @ Sky Dining, Plaza Semanggi. But I keep thinking to give something sweet to her so I decide to make cupcakes for her. Really hope that she will like the cupcakes.

Happy Birthday Fany!! wish u all the happiness, joy, success and luck :)


Thursday 14 January 2010

Spaghetti Aglio Olio

Suka yang pedas? Ga mau ribet masaknya? Coba deh bikin Spaghetti Aglio Olio sendiri di rumah,resepnya simple banget :)

5 siung bawang putih
Olive oil (secukupnya)
1/2 pak spaghetti
smoked beef (secukupnya)
cabe rawit merah
magi blok/royco/penyedap
olive (optional)

-rebus spaghetti
-tumis bawang putih dengan olive oil sampai wangi, masukan smoked beef kemudian beri oregano & basil. Masukan cabai rawit merah tumis sebentar kemudian masukan spaghetti.
tambahkan magi blok/penyedap secukupnya. Tumis sampai matang, angkat dan sajikan :)

*beri taburan Parmesans cheese (jika suka)dan potongan olive ketika disajikan.

Enjoy your Aglio Olio :)

Wednesday 13 January 2010

My Homemade Spaghetti Panggang

Two days ago, I prepared baked spaghetti for dinner. This idea came from my friend who loves to cook. She suggested that why don't I make baked spaghetti for dinner then I thought why not? I got the recipes from the internet, from many sources then I modified it myself with my auntie advices too :)

here's the recipe :

5 siung bawang putih
1 bawang bombay
1 pak daging cincang
4 telur
1/2 pak spaghetti
500ml susu cair
pala bubuk
crushed chilli (optional)
lada hitam bubuk
keju (I use quick melt)
white wine (optional)

-Rebus spaghetti

-Tumis bawang putih&bawang bombay sampai wangi, kemudian masukan daging cincang,tambahkan white wine (optional)kemudian tambahkan oregano,basil & lada hitam pada tumisan daging cincang>Setelah matang angkat dan dinginkan sebentar.

-Kocok telur, tambahkan susu, pala bubuk, oregano & basil, bagi yang suka pedas bisa ditambahkan crushed chilli kemudian tambahkan keju.

-Olesi loyang pirex dgn mentega (biar ga lengket bawahnya) masukan adonan telur sebagian kemudian masukan spaghetti dan terkahir masukan adonan telur lagi. kemudian panggang sampai matang.

voila...enjoy your baked spaghetti :)

Because Food Can Tell a Story......

I made this blog to share my thoughts, review about foods. I believe that every food that you cook, serve and eat can tell many story about life itself. For me food could be the journey itself :)