Tuesday 21 December 2010

Festive Chicken

Grilled chicken stuffed with garlic onion with touch of rosemary and orange. I create this recipe for ABC Black Gold competition...wish me luck :)

it's inspired by this festive holiday..

Happy holiday all


Tuesday 26 October 2010

One Day No Rice Campaign?

Nasi merupakan salah satu makanan pokok bagi orang Indonesia. Seingat saya dulu ketika SD, saya diajarkan bahwa tiap daerah mempunyai makanan pokok masing-masing seperti sagu, jagung, ketela dll namun seiring berjalannya waktu nasi telah menjadi "main food" untuk seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Rasanya belum benar-benar kenyang jika belum menyantap nasi..betul begitu?? 

Konsumsi beras di Tanah Air memang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) pada 2009 konsumsi beras nasional mencapai 139 kilogram perkapita per tahun jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan masyarakat dunia hanya 60 kilogram. (source:detik.com) ini mengalahkan Jepang dan Cina yang juga mengkonsumsi nasi sebagai makanan pokok mereka. koq bisa? ya iyalah..coba lihat di Jepang dan Cina, mereka hanya makan nasi 1 mangkuk every meal sedangkan di Indonesia? sekali makan bisa berpiring-piring penuh nasi! very unhealthy I think. Remember that too much carbs is not good for your health!

One Day No Rice Campaign will be released soon..well it has been released in some provinces in Indonesia. Tentunya banyak pro dan kontra terhadap kampanye ini. Saya sendiri mendukung gerakan One Day No Rice ini. Mengapa? helloo...masih banyak sekali sumber karbohidrat yang bisa kita olah dan dimanfaatkan. Negara kita sangat kaya oleh aneka ragam sumber makanan koq..I really believe that. Sayang sekali jika sumber daya makanan tersebut tidak digali dan dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Siapa tahu malah kita bisa jadi world pioneer lhow..jadi impor bisa menjadi ekspor? who knows? 

Tentunya Pemerintah pun harus mendorong dan mendukung para petani dan peternak untuk dapat mengeksplorasi berbagai sumber daya makanan yang ada. Jangan juga sampai rakyat yang kurang mampu jadi semakin terbebani dengan kampanye ini. Dan kita yang mampu" juga jangan begitu rakus untuk mengkonsumsi makanan-makanan yang ada..saling mendukung dan berbagi menurut saya itu kuncinya *sotoy*

Rice..Rice..Rice...apa yang membuat kita menjadi sedemikan "addicted" dengannya? me, myself  not a big fan of rice. Selama ini saya selalu berusaha mengkombinasi menu makanan saya. Sumber karbohidrat bisa saya dapatkan dari kentang, pasta, roti, jagung dll..yang penting asupan antara karbohidrat, protein dan zat2 bergizi lainnya harus seimbang. Terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi nasi atau karbohidrat lainnya juga tidak bagus untuk kesehatan. Sudah makan kentang atau roti tapi masih craving for rice?try to eat fruits before your meal or drink lotsa water during the day..air putih ya..bukan teh manis, soda, kopi etc. Trust me you will feel full all day and of course will get healthy too if you consume lotsa fruits and water. 

so One Day No Rice? siapa takuutt??!!

*foto2 menyusul ya*

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Cozy Lunch at Ninety Nine Grand Indonesia

Ninety Nine is located at Grand Indonesia, East mall, lower ground near Ranch Market. This place is pretty cozy to have lunch or maybe just snacking with your besties. With various good foods and refreshing beverages on their menu, Ninety Nine is one of the place that you should try if you're visiting Grand Indonesia. And I think, if you're a shopaholic you're gonna like this place because you can go straight to the stores in Grand Indonesia East Mall after finished your lunch here (uuww..I can see Chanel boutique from where I seated *drooling*)

my orders are garlic bread, Hong Kong noodles with shredded chicken and mushroom sauce with fried shrimp dumpling (pretty long huh) and of course my fave tea, Earl Grey tea. Their price is still reasonable and worth for their good foods and drinks and their coziness. 

Garlic bread at Ninety Nine

yummy Hong Kong noodles 

Ninety Nine is getting crowded and crowded on lunch time, I suggest you to come earlier if you want to have lunch here because they don't receive any booking. Or maybe you can come here in the afternoon just to avoid the crowdedness for afternoon snack or just having cocktails with your friends. 


Friday 27 August 2010

Sehat dengan Kurma

Kurma, buah khas negeri Arab telah menjadi sajian khas Ramadhan di mana-mana. Kita pasti akan menjumpai kurma dimana-mana pada saat bulan Ramadhan. Setiap supermarket atau toko-toko makanan pasti menawarkan kurma. Tak ketinggalan juga kue-kue kecil berbahan dasar kurma juga turut meramaikan Ramadhan. Kurma telah menjadi ciri khas bulan Ramadhan. 

Bermacam-macam jenis kurma

Sebutir kurma mengandung 23 kalori. Sedangkan untuk tiap 100 gram kurma (sekitar 8-10 butir) mengandung karbohidrat 73,5 g, serat 7,5 g dan gula 66 g, protein 2 g dan lemak 0,45 g. Kecuali itu kandungan mineral dan vitamin pada kurma juga sangat banyak; Calcium 32 mg, Magnesium 35 mg, Selenium 1,9 g, Phosporus 40 mg dan Potassium 652 mg.Sejumlah vitamin juga terdapat dalam kurma; Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 dan B Complex dan 20 jenis asam amino. Kandungan selenium pada kurma bisa mengurangi resiko penyakit kanker dan jantung juga memperkuat daya tahan tubuh. Tak heran jika kurma dijadikan menu berbuka yang sangat dianjurkan karena dapat menjaga stamina tubuh tetap prima selama menjalankan ibadah puasa. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal, konsumsi kurma sebanyak 3 butir saat berbuka dan 4 butir saat sahur. (source: detikfood)

Tak heran jika orang-orang di Mekkah menkonsumsi kurma dan air Zam-zam saja untuk berbuka. Rasanya yang manis cukup untuk mengembalikan energi yang hilang selama berpuasa. Buka puasa memang identik dengan bermacam-macam sajian yang manis,tapi kita juga harus ingat lho kalau terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi yang manis itu kurang baik untuk kesehatan. Bagaimana kalau mencoba mengurangi sajian-sajian yang manis tersebut? Cobalah untuk mengkonsumsi kurma dan susu hangat pada saat berbuka puasa. Manisnya kurma dan sehatnya susu tentu akan segera menggantikan energi yang hilang pada saat puasa. Selain itu kurma dan susu sudah cukup mengenyangkan sehingga sehabis berbuka kita tidak akan "maruk" menyantap makan malam. Kesehatan dan berat badan pun tetap terjaga pada saat bulan puasa. Menurut teman saya, kurma dan susu juga baik untuk penderita sakit maag.  Jadi tak perlu takut akan terkena maag lagi pada saat berpuasa :)  selain itu kita tak perlu repot untuk membuat ini itu untuk sajian buka puasa.. cukup sedia kurma dan susu di dapur Anda..sangat simple bukan? Terutama bagi pekerja kantoran yang sibuk dan tak sempat untuk membuat sajian berbuka. Fast food? tentu bukan makanan yang cukup sehat untuk berbuka puasa. Kurma dan susu bisa menjadi pilihan berbuka puasa yang sangat simple. Saya menyarankan kurma Nabi jika Anda ingin membawanya ke kantor atau menyimpannya di mobil dalam jangka waktu yang cukup lama, karena menurut pengamatan saya selama ini, kurma Nabi cukup tahan lama jika disimpan.

Kurma+susu hangat untuk berbuka, simple dan berenergi

Kurma Nabi

So...be healthy with dates on this Ramadhan :)


Tuesday 27 July 2010

Simple Spicy Udon

I got this idea for this recipe from my friend Hanne, who lives in Perth, Australia. She cooked udon for her lunch box and she said it's very simple to make. So I tried to make a very simple spicy udon recipe for my dinner. This recipe is very simple and very suitable for those who want simple and fast cook (especially for anak kost or college student).

What you need :

  • Udon (of course)
  • cabe rawit merah/cut chilies
  • garlic
  • kombu *
  • Katsuobushi/dried bonito * 
  • dried Nori/seaweed *
  • sweet soy sauce
  • eggs

*tersedia di Supermarket Jepang

How to :

  • boil water with Kombu, put katsuobushi/dried bonito flakes, setelah mendidih masukan udon dan rebus hingga matang. Kombu dan katsuobushi memberikan cita rasa kaldu yang khas dan tentunya lebih sehat dibanding menggunakan kaldu bubuk.
  • setelah udon matang, angkat dan tiriskan
  • heat your cooking pan, put olive oil
  • masukan garlic, tumis sampai wangi
  • kemudian masukan cabai rawit merah yg sudah dipotong2 (cut chilies)
  • masukan telur yang sudah dikocok
  • put your udon inside
  • tambahkan kecap manis, kemudian masak hingga matang
  • It's done! put your spicy on plate then sprinkle wit dried nori :)

Bagaimana? simple sekali kan Spicy Udon yang satu ini. It's suitable for your lunch/lunch box or dinner. You can also put chicken, sausages or beef for more protein if you like. Enjoy your Udon :)


Thursday 15 July 2010

Gettin' Cozy at Koffie Huis

Koffie Huis
Piccadilly Suites
Jl. Kemang Raya No. 99, Jakarta Selatan 12730
(021) 7179 – 2632

I knew this place from my friend, Dewi. She often hangs out here at Koffie Huis which located at Piccadilly Suites, Kemang. Tempatnya mungil but yet very cozy. Untuk yang mencari tempat ngopi-ngopi yang cozy dan ga berisik, Koffie Huis jawabannya. Di jamin betah deh ngopi or hang out di sini, oiya mereka juga menyediakan games (board games) like scrabble etc :)

The Cozy interior of Koffie Huis

Menu yang ditawarkan cukup bervariasi, dari mulai appetizer seperti french fries, bitterballen etc. Try French fries with wasabi mayo, Love it! Main coursenya juga bermacam2. I really recommend you to try their Tuna Spaghetti. It's very yummy, tunanya kerasa banget!! dan kita bisa pilih sendiri tingkat kepedasannya yuuumm...Dessert yang ditawarkan oleh Koffie Huis juga cukup menarik perhatian, salah satunya adalah Klappertaart dan Hot chocolate brownies with ice cream..sounds very yummy right? Coba juga pastry buatan Koffie Huis, enaakk dan bikin ingin pesan lagi..lagi dan lagi..*rakus mode ON*  Flavoured teasnya juga harus dicoba, it's unique and refreshing..They recommend Parisian Night to me and yes it's so fresh and unique and also refillable :)

I really like Koffie Huis, not because they are located near my house hehe..but for their coziness, foods and drinks. Soal harga, Koffie Huis juga tidak terlalu mahal, cocok lah untuk rasa makanan dan ambiance yang mereka tawarkan. I think i'm gonna go there again sometime on this weekend? anyone? :)

Saturday 12 June 2010

An Afternoon tea with Freshly Baked Scones

Scones? Apakah itu scones? Scones merupakan roti kecil yang berasal dari Scotland. Scones populer di United Kingdom, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand dan Amerika Serikat. Bentuknya biasanya bulat dan flat sebesar piring kecil. Biasanya terbuat dari gandum, barley atau oatmeal.

Today, I tried to make some scones. Awalnya karena teman saya, Marda menanyakan soal scones untuk acara afternoon tea, jadinya penasaraan deh. Pembuatan scones gampang-gampang susah, intinya jangan sampai bahan-bahan jadi over-mix. Alhamdulillah my first scone lumayan OK lah, walaupuna agak kurang tebal ya dan mungkin kurang besar hehehehe...well, next time better :)  Scones ini sangat nikmat disantap sambil menikmati secangkir teh hangat disore hari. I put whipped cream and strawberry jam on my scones yuuumm..rasanya makin yummy. My brother tested my scones while having a warm tea this afternoon and he can't stop eating my little scones..yaayy I'm so happy and glad that he likes my scones.

hmm jadi kepikiran nih...lucu jg ya kalau bikin "mini scones" untuk acara afternoon tea bersama sahabat-sahabat :)  

Afternoon tea with freshly baked scones...yuuum :)

Monday 7 June 2010

Festival Jajanan Bango 2010

Siapa yang tak kenal Festival Jajanan Bango? Festival Jajanan Bango (FJB) merupakan kegiatan yang digagas oleh Kecap Bango untuk mempopulerkan makanan tradisional Indonesia sehingga makanan warisan leluhur terus menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari semua keluarga di Indonesia. Festival ini nampaknya selalu menyedot perhatian masyarakat Indonesia.

Punya jajanan favorit? sekarang para ibu dapat memilih jajanan favorit keluarga yang ingin di hadirkan di FJB 2010 di Jakarta, Bandung dan Surabaya. Untuk Jakarta, pemilihan jajanan favorit keluarga ini akan berakhir pada tanggal 20 Juni 2010, sedangkan untuk Bandung dan Surabaya akan ada pengumuman selanjutnya. Waahh makin menarik ya Festival Jajanan Bango :) 

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai Festival Jajanan Bango 2010, Anda dapat mengakses Facebook FJB 2010 or follow their twitter for more updates from FJB 2010. Yuukks kita ramaikan FJB 2010 ini!! :) 

Sunday 6 June 2010

a Short Trip to Bandung

Few months ago, I went to Bandung with my hubby and my bestfriend, Hening. It's not our first trip to Bandung of course but we always excited about going to Bandung. It seems everyone just love going to Bandung for shopping or eating. Me, myself prefer to go to Bandung on weekday, because it isn't very crowded just like in the weekend (especially long weekend).  My fave spot in Bandung is yogurt Cisangkuy, they are very famous in Bandung. I love the yogurt because it tastes so fresh. My fave there is the grape and strawberry flavor yuuummm :)

Yogurt Cisangkuy

After the refreshing yogurts, we go around Bandung, sightseeing..shopping..etc..then it came to lunch time woohooo! we choose Tomodachi cafe. They serve Asian and European food. I ordered Tom Yang Goong, Hening ordered soup and my hubby ordered steak with yummy mushroom sauce. Aarghh why I didn't the same thing as my hubby did *drooling* 


ohh yes,  if you are a pet lover, you have to visit Pet Distro across Tomodachi. It's like pet heaven, you can find many cute stuff for your pet, that's including many snack for your pet. Too bad I didn't take any photos of Pet Distro.

Ever heard of Nanny's Pavilion? it's one of the hip place in Bandung now. With adorable, cute and comfortable interiors, you'll fall in love with Nanny's Pavilion. Their specialty is the pancake and the waffle. My hubby ordered Cookies and cream waffle, I ordered their fries and Hening ordered mango smoothies..yuup the smoothies is very refreshing yuuum. I love Nanny's Pavilion, you have to try Nanny's Pavilion if you visit Bandung. You won't regret it..trust me :)

Cookies and Cream Waffle...it's the best!! yumm

Last stop is Giggle Box, it's a new place. Their interior concept "mirip" dengan Nanny's pavilion. Too bad we sit outside, I'm soo curious to see their inside and upstairs interior. I think it's very comfortable. The food is very cheap! for steak it's only IDR 19,000!! Sayangnya menunya kurang bervariasi ya...maybe because they are still new in town? But after all Giggle Box is a nice place to hang out with friends.

Giggle Box

I really suggest you to spend the night in Bandung. A short trip really makes us exhausted. Next time we will spend a night or two when visiting Bandung. 


Friday 4 June 2010

Green Tea cupcakes

New recipe from "With Love", Green tea cupcakes! :)

It's very yummy and you can tastes the freshness of the green tea in every bite. I love my new recipe, anyone wanna try??

If you're interested on my cupcakes, you can visit my flickr page to see my cupcakes. Or you can just send me a message if you have any question about my cupcakes/cakes :)

Friday 28 May 2010

Fast Food Indonesia?

Kalau mendengar kata fast food, pasti kita teringat dengan makanan cepat saji seperti hamburger, ayam goreng ataupun kentang goreng. Kebanyakan dari fast food tersebut merupakan makanan cepat saji dari negeri Paman Sam alias Amerika. Sebut saja dari mulai KFC, McD hingga Fat Burger..hayoo siapa yang belum pernah coba?

Kita punya makanan cepat saji khas Indonesia ga sih? menurut saya jawabannya adalah : Makanan Padang yang biasa tersaji di restoran-restoran Padang. Why? Well..begitu masuk ke dalam resto, kita langsung disajikan berbagai makanan yang tertata rapi di piring-piring (biasanya juga termasuk teh hangat). Kita tinggal memilih salah satu dari makanan tersebut (semua juga boleh sih). Ini lebih hebat dari restoran cepat saji ala Amrik. Kalau di KFC, McD etc kita harus memesan dulu apa yang kita inginkan, kalau di restoran padang voilaa! makanan langsung tersaji di depan mata. Hebat kan? Jadi menurut saya ini adalah makanan cepat saji ala Indonesia.

Langsung tersedia...

Makanan di restoran Padang kebanyakan menggunakan santan, apakah sehat? Kalau sekali-sekali boleh lah, tapi jangan setiap hari ya makan santan. Kalau mau memilih yang tidak bersantan juga bisa. Coba pilih ayam pop dengan sayur daun singkong (kurang seru sih ya?) Menu favorit saya adalah gulai ayam dan sambal hijau yang banyaaakk hehehe...

My fave menu, gulai ayam+sambal hijau..yuummm

Wednesday 28 April 2010

"Pop Art" Pizza e Birra

Nowadays people are talking about Pizza e Birra, I guess it has become one of the hip place in Jakarta. People said that the foods are great and also the ambience's there. Is it true? so I went there with my bestfriend Hening. We tried Pizza e Birra at Plaza Indonesia for lunch. When we got there, the first thing that pop out into my mind is, this place is sooo pop art. It's pretty cool!

Pop art at Pizza e Birra, guess what is this? ;)

What's on the menu? so many various pizza makes me confused to choose what to order hehe..they all sounds very yummy. I decided to order Margarita Pizza (tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and basil).  It's yummy and I ate almost all of it by myself hahaha...

My order, almost ate it all by myself hahaha

My friend, Mire suggested to try the flavored beer, because she said it's one of Pizza e Birra specialty. But I didn't try the flavored beer. Maybe next time I'll try the flavored beer :)Most of all Pizza e Birra is a nice place with yummy food to try. It's comfortable to hang out there with some friends. I'd like to go there again sometimes. anyone wanna join??

Thursday 18 March 2010

Cheesy Smoked Beef French Toast

The 1st person who taught me to make a simple french toast was my mom. I was a lil girl at that time when I saw my mom making french toast for our breakfast. And now my mom's french toast has became one of my fave recipe. It's very simple, yummy and healthy for breakfast. So If you're outa idea for your breakfast, maybe you could try this recipe. It's the collaboration of my mom french toast with my own modification, Cheesy Smoked Beef French toast *sounds weird* hahahaha....

you'll need :

  • breads
  • smoked beef
  • sliced cheese
  • eggs

how to?

  • crack the eggs, whisk them
  • put smoked beef & cheese into the bread (just like make sandwich)
  • coat the bread with eggs batter
  • grilled the bread with grilling pan, until it's done and has a grilling mark.
  • serve the french toast with fresh milk & fruit..voila! you have one healthy breakfast :)

If you don't like something cheesy and beefy, just leave them and make a simple french toast. Then sprinkle it with icing sugar or pour honey or maple syrup on top of it (just like pancake).

Cheesy Smoked Beef French Toast :)

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Spicy Chicken Bok Coy

I'm feeling for something spicy and veggies. And Tarmi, my kitchen assistant, just bought bok coy from the market. So let's do something with this fresh bok coy. No..don't think that I'll make something so extravagant, this is just a simple recipe but yet it's quite healthy.   

You'll need :

  • chicken breast, cut it into small cuts
  • 5-6 cove garlic, diced it
  • chilies, cut it (you can put more chilies if you like it hot&spicy)
  • soy sauce
  • bokcoy

How to?

  • Marinate the chicken with soy sauce, garlic and chilies. Put it in the fridge for about an hour or more so it will absorb into the chicken. 
  • After that grilled the chicken
  • While grilling the chicken, boil the bok coy (don't boil them too long or you're gonna loose the freshness),  drained then pour them with cold water to stop the boiling process (this will make the bok choy stay&look fresh)
  • When the chicken is done, serve it with rice, bok coy and soy sauce+cut chilies

Spicy Chicken Bok Coy

Monday 15 March 2010

Mendoan Khas Kampung Halamanku

Siapa yang tak kenal Mendoan? Tempe berbalutkan tepung dan digoreng setengah matang yang merupakan khas Purwokerto ini sudah dikenal oleh masyarakat kita. Mendoan berasal dari kata Mendo yang berarti setengah matang atau lembek. Sebagai orang Purwokerto (leluhur doang), tempe Mendoan ini sudah menjadi santapan khas di rumah. Pokoknya kalau inget Oemah Sekartadji (my residence-red) pasti inget karo mendoane. Oemah Sekartadji dan mendoan nampaknya sudah menjadi satu bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan, terbukti dengan banyaknya teman keluarga yang kerap mencari Mendoan ketika bertandang ke rumah bahkan memesan Mendoan khas Oemah Sekartadji for their special occasion ;) 

Menggoreng mendoan itu gampang-gampang susah untuk mendapatkan rasa setengah matang yang pas. Mendoan biasanya disajikan bersama dengan sambal kecap (kecap manis+cabai rawit) atau cukup dengan cabai rawit saja. Saya sendiri lebih suka menikmati mendoan dengan cabai rawit yang pedas. Waaahh rasanya benar-benar muanntapp..kalau kata Pak Bondan, makk nyuss..hehehehe...

Penasaran sama Mendoan Oemah Sekartadji? boleh kapan-kapan pesan ya....hehehehe...*teteup*

 Mendoan khas Oemah Sekartadji

Tuesday 9 March 2010

An Afternoon at Portico

Last Friday, I went to Portico with Hening&Fany. It's located at Senayan City, ground floor. The best way to reach Portico is through Starbucks. Well..you have to go out from Starbucks first to reach Portico but at least you wont feel Jakarta's heat if you go there through Starbucks haha..Portico is a very nice place to hang out with besties. It isn't noisy and not very crowded so you can chit chat and relax with your best friends while enjoying the view of Senayan. Love the ambience's there..very comfy and makes you wants to stay longer just to enjoy the cocktail and chit chat with your best friends. I haven't tried the cocktails yet but they all are very tempting hehe..The Outdoor area is the best looking area in Portico, too bad it's pretty hot there. But the area between outdoor and indoor area is pretty cool too. You won't feel the Jakarta's heat and still can enjoy the view. I really recommend you to make reservation first before you go to Portico so you will get the best seat.

The cute outdoor area

Portico has many selection on the menu from European to Asian. Their appetizer and snacks looks so tempting. Me and Fany ordered Portabella Mushroom with Cream Cheese and Smoked Marlin. Hening as usual just ordered something to drink. I like this Portabella Mushroom with Cream Cheese and Smoked Marlin. The Portabella tastes so fresh and so does the smoked Marlin yuumm.. and believe me, it's kinda big for a appetizer..likeyy likeeyy :)

Portabella Mushroom with Cream Cheese and Smoked Marlin

Overall, Portico is a good and comfy place for hang out. Especially if you like cocktails. If you'd really like to try Portico, you better make a reservation first at +62 21 72781641.  

Friday 5 March 2010

Spicy Grilled Buttered Chicken Stuffed with Garlic Mushroom

I was thinking to make something healthy for dinner, then my friend, Dewi came with this idea. She suggested me to make grilled chicken stuffed with spinach. Checked my fridge, apparently I don't have any spinach in there, but hey..I still got mushroom *triing* why don't I stuffed the mushroom inside the chicken, it's still healthy though. Well, I could say this is one of my healthy recipe, because the chicken is grilled, it has mushrooms&garlics too. Overall I LOVE this dinner menu, would like to cook it again someday and will try spinach for the stuffing :)

You'll need:

  • Chicken breast/fillet
  • butter
  • garlic (diced)
  • crushed chilies
  • basil
  • mushroom (any kind)

How to :

  • Saute the mushroom with butter&garlic, put a side, let it cool
  • Cut the chicken (make a pocket of it)
  • Put the garlic mushroom inside the chicken
  • rubed the chicken with butter,garlic, basil&crushed chilies, let the spices absorbed by put it in the fridge for like 1 hour (more is better)
  • Grilled the chicken untill done
  • Serve your grilled chicken with boiled vegetables and fries/mashed potatoes or any other that you like :)

Spicy Grilled Buttered Chicken Stuffed with Garlic Mushroom

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Lazy Sunday Breakfast

Last sunday my hubby wasn't feeling so well, so we decided to stay at home on Sunday. Usually he will drag me to go somewhere to get us some breakfast. I'm not a big fan of jajan so this is my chance to cook something for his breakfast, just a simple foods with lotsa love on it *lebaaayy* 

I only made him BBQ beef sausages (sausages marinated with BBQ sauce) and sunny side egg. Simple but yummy. Remember, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you will have lots of energy and will feel great if you have a good healthy breakfast :)   

Happy Breakfast all!!

BBQ beef sausages and sunny side egg for our lazy Sunday breakfast :)

Monday 1 March 2010

February Cupcakes Parade

These are some cupcakes that I made during February :)

Welcoming the Year of The Tiger

Treadmill & Barbel cupcakes for a gym lover

Chanel?LV?Hermes? or maybe cameras?

If you want to see all my cupcakes/cakes collection please feel free to visit my flickr page. Or please contact me at mayasmitasekartadji@yahoo.com for more info :)

Happy baking all :)

Thursday 25 February 2010

Culinary Weekend, Kedai & Pacific Place

It's been a while that I haven't update my blog. I just edited some photos of my last weekend culinary journey hehe..Last weekend is full of resto and foods for me. On friday I went to Pejaten village with Hening & Fany to watch a movie. After movie, Fany has to go home because her hubby already waiting for her hihihi...me& Hening lanjut by going to Kedai which located at Jl. Benda, South Jakarta. I've heard many reviews about Kedai from my friends, they said the place is very unique yet comfy. Curious? believe me, it is very unique and comfy. We ordered bakwan and hot tea there. The Bakwan portion is kinda big, it's yummy and the price is very very affordable. Very nice!

Sunday, another movie day for me and Hening, it's weekend so hubby also join us. Before the movie, we ate our lunch at Pancious which is famous for the  pancakes. But this time we didn't order any pancakes. I ordered fries with some kind of spicy mayonnaise (I forget the name on the menu) and my hubby ordered cheeseburger. What I love about Pancious : Foods are yummy, many variety on the menu, unique pancakes and the price is affordable. I think that's the thing that makes Pancious is crowded most of the times.

After movie, we went to Urban Kitchen to meet Fany, Ewien and Adit.  We already full because of our lunch so we only ordered something to drink. I ordered cold milo my fave :) Fany as usual ordered frozen yogurt, yup she's a yogurt lover. If u r looking for a good yummy yogurt you can ask her. 

Guess what?! after Urban Kitchen, me, hubby, Hening and Adit masih lanjut to find something for dinner...err actually it's only hubby and Adit. I am too full to eat. We choose Riung Sunda, a sundanese resto. They serve many Sundanese menu with affordable prices. I love the sambal terasi there. It's delicious but I think it's kinda salty. But overall Riung Sunda is a must try place if you go to Pacific place.

Ok that's all from me now...I'm gonna post recipes and food reviews later. If you have any recomendation about recipe, foods, restaurant or anything about food, please feel free to write on the comment or on my shoutbox :)

Thursday 18 February 2010

Spicy Minced Beef in Pita Bread

I'm outta idea for making good dinner. I keep thinking to make Chicken Kretek (got the recipe from one of NCC member) but I'm just too lazy to buy a whole chicken hehe..pls don't follow my laziness :p maybe I'll make it sometime on the weekend? let's just see :)

So I decide to make something simple but yet can make you full once you eat it. And I just remembered that I have Pita bread that I bought from Kem Chick, then I think why don't I make something beefy then stuffs it inside the pita bread. It's very simple and easy to make, all you need is :

  • Pita Bread
  • Minced beef
  • Chili sauce
  • Crushed Chili/Chili flakes
  • Onion (slice it)
  • Lettuce
  • Tomato
  • Cheese (dice it)
  • salt, pepper, sugar

Fry the sliced onion and the minced beef. Add garlic, pepper, sugar on it. Then put chili sauce and chili flakes, put aside. Meanwhile cut the pita bread, don't cut it into half but try to make a pocket of it. Put the pocket pita bread on grilling pan, grill it until it has grilled mark. Then put the lettuce, tomato, cheese or any other condiments of your choice and of course the spicy minced beef. Yuumm..your spicy minced beef in pita bread is ready :)

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Homemade Lasagna & Macarons Wanabe

I got this yummy delicious lasagna recipe from mba Ria's blog, her lasagna with the super yummy cheese sauce make me drooled hahaha...so I decide to try her recipe for our dinner menu and to ease my sadness because of my failure macarons boohoo :(  yes macarons recipe looks very simple to make but it's very complicated when it came to the making process *sad*.

Back to the lasagna, the result is pretty good..I love it and it tasted soo yummy! this is one of the recipe that you should try at home especially if you are a cheese lover. 

Guess what?? I got a surprise about my macarons wannabe. When I was preparing our dinner, I looked at hubby and suddenly realized he's eating my macarons wannabe and also did my brother! They said they like it !! :) I'm very very surprised that they like my macarons wanna be. It really boost up my cooking spirit and I can't wait to try to make the real French Macarons! yup I know it really need hard works and more learning to mastered French Macarons but I don't want to give up :)

Macarons wannabe :p

Monday 15 February 2010

Girls Day Out, Plaza Indonesia 12th Feb 2010

Last friday I went to Plaza Indonesia with my best friends. It feels like I haven't meet them for sooo long time so I'm so glad to see them all. Actually we planned to have dinner at Pizza e Bira, but Rima said the seating there is not very cozy so we changed our plan then go to Canteen. I've heard many reviews bout Canteen but hey I have to try it by my own. I like the atmosphere there, it's nice and cozy. And guess what they have bag hanger on the bar area, so you don't need to hug your bag all the times when you sit at the bar area.

I ordered Spaghetti Aglio Olio for my dinner..err early dinner exactly :). It's yummy but since I am a cheese lover I have to put so much parmessan cheese and chilli flakes on top of it. But overall the spaghetti aglio olio is ok. Rima ordered mini hot dog but believe me it's not mini at all, I wonder how big is the "not mini hot dog" is?? Hening and Fany just ordered some drinks there.

my order, Spaghetti Aglio Olio with chicken

After Canteen, we went down to Bakerzin because I'm craving for macarons hehe..Fany also want to buy valentine's gift for her hubby at Food Hall,aww how sweet she is :) I didn't buy anything for my hubby...I'm soo soorry hubby :p

Chocolate Raspberry macaron for my dessert

my culinary journey on that friday didn't stop at Bakerzin. Hubby picked me up there then we go to Nasi Goreng Kebon Sirih because he felt hungry again..yes he already ate at the office then suddenly felt hungry again..hihihi..too bad I didn't take any photographs there.

I can't wait for another girls day out with my best friends and another culinary journey with my hubby...so when will our next dinner? lunch? breakfast? anyone?? hehe....